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Friday 21 April 2017

Dog Separation Anxiety

A Dreadful Anxiety Situation

Dog separation anxiety is a dreadful problem to be addressed in the canine world. The following article discusses the ways to treat separation anxiety. One of the greatest joys of dog ownership is the bond you and your dog share. Your dog is one of the social animals that require love and affection and sometimes this affection and love can cause harmful consequences. If your dog is attached to you in more than the required manner, then he may start behaving in a weird manner when sensing your absence. If dogs become too reliant and dependent on you, then separation anxiety can develop.

Dog separation anxiety is an enormous and critical problem to address and over 10% of all puppies and dogs get this syndrome. If you as a master do not take steps to conquer the situation, then there may be a situation when you have to leave your pet in an animal shelter. Therefore, it is important to proceed through a step by step plan that can treat your dog. First ascertain your symptoms, causes and then discover the ways to treat it.

Dog separation anxiety is not an easy syndrome to cure but if you can get to the root cause, fixing it becomes easy. One need to understand the problem from your dog’s prospective, let us try and do it. Dogs are social animals and seek their owner’s company all the time for more than one reason. Given a choice your dog will want to spend every bit of their time with you. So, it is common that when you leave, your dog can experience varying degrees of behavioral changes when you aren’t around. People around the whole world are searching for ways to treat their dog of this dreadful problem. There are however many ways to treat your dog and restore his mental balance.

There are many ways to help your dog and treat this syndrome. Some of the ways you can help your dog are:
·         Medication and exercises will really help your dog ward off his mental stress. Exercises such as walking, running and playing will tire your dog and your dog will definitely want some time alone to rest. Medication therapies will help your dog practice behavioral changes and implement them efficiently.
·         Make a place exclusively for your dog, this will help your dog to relax, play and be in that place when you are out of house.
·         Do not let your dog show you excess love, ignore him whenever possible but keep in mind that you notice him after some time. Repeat this practice for a few days or weeks, depending on the severity of the condition.
·         Where the situation worsens, send your dog for behavioral modification and obedience training at the first instance.
·         Do not ignore your dog too much; doing that will trigger his anxiety level to the supreme.
Dog separation anxiety is an condition that can be effectively cured if and only if you as a loving owner help your dog to the core.
 Find Out How You Can Help Your Dog

Dog separation anxiety is that syndrome that is seen in most dogs. It refers to that situation where dogs start behaving in a different manner way worse than normal. This separation anxiety occurs when dogs are bonded with their owners in more than required manner. People usually unearth this separation anxiety in their dogs when they are off work for many days i.e. they are on a leave and spend most of the time with their pets. Dogs, as a social animal, get use to your presence all the time and when you go to work after your leave they tend to show signs of behavioral changes like whining, barking, and crying at inappropriate times of the day. Owners often complain that their dog is crying all day long or tearing away the costly furniture.

Dog separation anxiety can in a way disturb a dog’s mental health. As a beloved owner, one obliviously wouldn’t want to spoil their dog’s mental health and thus one should take care of the situation before it worsens. Dog separation anxiety is meant to be treated and if it is not done at an appropriate time, then be prepared for the brutal consequences. Dog separation anxiety cures are available in wide numbers but one should take time to unearth the best cures available for their dogs. Some of the steps to be followed that can result in effective control over the situation are:
·         The first and the foremost step before starting to find dog anxiety cures is to identify the symptoms viz. Does your dog jumps on visitors? Does your dog whine, cry and barks at inappropriate times of the day or all the time? Does he spin in circles whenever he senses separation? If the answers to the above questions are a ‘yes’, then you need to do something real fast, otherwise you will end up losing your dog’s mental health.
·         Dog separation anxiety can be effectively cured by following various behavioral therapies. These behavioral therapies are nothing but, in a way, teaching the dog the proper way to behave in the absence of their owners.
·         Leave your dog alone each day for a few minutes and then slowly increase the time limit from minutes to hours and longer, this will help the dog be alone and will boost up his lost confidence. At first, the dog will bark, cry, run, whine and attain the destructive kind of behavior, but once he calms down, this theory will start to work.
·         Do not greet the dog in a very loving manner on your return; just give him a tap on his head saying ‘hey buddy’ and just try to ignore him. This theory teaches the dog about being alone and to not depend on his master for all the wrong reasons.
·         Make your dog practice various exercises like walking, playing with balls and frisbees, coupled with running, this will make the dog tired and a tired dog always wants some time off to snooze.
·         Hire a dog trainer and make the dog practice different forms of physical and mental training.
Dog separation anxiety cures are available in wide numbers but the only thing is one should find the best for their dogs.

 Get Out of the Situation Before It Turns into a Hazard!

Dog separation anxiety is that syndrome wherein a dog shows signs of changes in his behavior. A dog expresses a unique behavioral change whenever he senses a separation from his beloved owner. A dog separation anxiety is generally referred to a situation wherein a dog gets excited and starts behaving in a different manner every time their owner leaves or comes back to home. A dog usually expresses his gratitude and sadness whenever he senses a separation from his owner. This situation can easily disturb dog’s mental health and causes health ailments, thus as an owner you should be careful and take all the precautionary measures and anxiety cures before the condition worsens. Dog separation anxiety is usually a case with dogs where they are over attached or bonded with their owners. The owners of the victim dogs also complain that their dogs start crying, whining and barking for no reason. Some of the owners also complained that their dogs unnecessarily bark and jumps on to their visitors and tears their pillows and beds coupled with jumping on couch and behaving rudely. Therefore, if you love your dog you must try and find methods to get rid of the problems i.e. try to get over dog separation anxiety. Some of the ways that can help you capitalize on the separation anxiety, i.e. some dog separation anxiety cures are: .        Exercises/ work outs: One of the most popular cures listed on the list of dog separation anxiety cures are exercises. As an owner you should try and make your dog work out and do things like walking, various walking exercises and if possible hire a dog trainer. The main point behind all the exercises is tiring the dog. The dog gets exhausted and will ask for a separation himself. Various training and exercises make the dog obey its master. .      Leave the dog alone each day for a few hours and ignore the dog when you arrive. At first you may find ignoring hard but when your pet shows improvement you will definitely involve yourself in the practice. Acknowledge the dog after some decent time gap, this way your dog can cure separation anxiety and remain loyal at the same time. This is one of the most followed dog separation anxiety cures. .    Crate training: One of the opted sorts of dog separation anxiety cures is crate training. Train your dog for the crate and leave him there, if he doesn’t go, lead him there, taking the help of long lasting foods like a bone or something. After the dog enters the crate, leave and do not return for sometime and start noticing the behavioral changes, like see whether the dog whines, cries or barks; return calmly and greet the dog. Follow this practice till the dog gets used to loneliness. This is an efficient dog separation anxiety cure. There are many other efficient ways (apart from the ones mentioned above) which help in curing dog separation anxiety from the core, the only thing is you as an owner needs to find out the other methods and remedies.